Saturday, November 29, 2014

First family (of 4) camping trip

Martin Dies, Jr. State Park

Black Friday shopping?  Or a family getaway camping trip?!  Lincoln has been X-ing out his calendar, counting down the the days to our camping trip.  

Lincoln found a frog yesterday at ba Noi's house after thanksgiving lunch.  He and Maylin were playing outside and came in with Froggy.  Daddy let him keep it to release in the wilderness today.  Here he is checking it out while daddy pitched the tent.
After set up, we walked to the pier w the Scarlatella children and broke in their fishing poles.
Me & my god-daughter!
These two are insperable 
Lincoln plays with Frederick the frog so comfortably.  We are allowed to touch it but no one is allowed to hold it because Lincoln didn't want anyone to lose it.  Lincoln was always able to scoop it up if he jumped away. :)
Campfire for hot dogs and s'mores.  Daddy likes the lighter fluid effect.
The fall landscape was beautiful, the leaves were green, brown, orange and yellow.  When a hard wind blew, it would rain leaves, which was so wonderful!  And it was fun to hear the crunch of the leaves beneath or feet.
We brought s'mores and made them at the Scalatella camp site, #100.  We were #98.
The next morning we had eggs and bacon wott them and then went canoeing.  This would be Lincoln's favorite camping activity.
Then the boys rolled around in the leaves, "raking" them with oars.
Happy 8 year anniversary weekend to us!
We took pictures with the Scarlatellas, had korean spare rib lunch, took all the kids on nature trail (where Lincoln found "the spot" that was just right to release Froggy.  "I sacrificed and let something go that I loved." Why? "Because I wanted him to live.  he was probably starving.")
came back for more s'mores and stayed to watch the sunset. We always found these two together which was so precious.

It was a good camping trip.  Great weather, a beautiful spot during this time of year, and good friends who were so hospitable and welcoming. Looks like we'll be taking a camping trip again next Black Friday!  But first, we'll go camping somewhere during spring break- and as promised to Lincoln, we will get kids' sleeping bags and as promised to Carter, camping chairs.