Saturday, February 21, 2015

Friday morning reader

I signed up to read and Lincoln picked out Guess How Much I Love You.  We checked out the DVD several weeks ago so o guess it's fresh on his mind.  He told the class that he chose the book because, "I love my mommy."  I shared with the class that the book is tattered because we've had it since Lincoln was inside my belly and we enjoy reading it to both kids.

Lincoln's first time wearing his new Morrocan nights Poe Auction t shirt (wearable on Fridays).

Thursday, February 5, 2015

100th day of school!

Lincoln's 6th birthday

Parent teacher conference 
Lincoln is reading at level 16.  Doing well overall.  Will advance to first grade.
Lunch with mommy and daddy for the first time!
Lincoln and sweet Campbell, a classmate and friend.
With Mrs. Walker at dismissal on the wooden platform.
We had a class play date after school at chick-fil-a.  We also invited Our carpool friends:  the Doneker and Meridia families.
Lincoln has been eyeing chocolate cookie "cakes".  He's always liked green but blue is starting to be his preferred color.
Rory always gives the nicest hugs.  Lincoln cutting his "cake".
Thank you friends for coming!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Viet Ngu promotion

Last weekend was our first time back at Viet Ngu since the Christmas break and we haven't been as diligent with completing the homework/practicing at home.  Co Trang said gave a review sheet for his test- to determine next year's placement.  We completed about a 4-5 words/day and I realized that he wasn't spelling words as fluently as he did last year, talk about out of practice.  (Plus, his birthday dinner was last night and we stayed up playing poker until 2!)  So I didn't know how he was going to do, but at pick up, Caitlyn told me that he missed only 1!  Amazing.  Good job Lincoln!  He earned a marble  :)

The other day Carter said, b-i-sach-bi'.  It was so cute.  He was listening when Lincoln practiced and can now repeat it on his own.