Saturday, October 23, 2010

Building Blocks

(First entry this year! Lincoln's 21 months, 1 week, and 1 day old today.)

Lincoln's been waking up the past few days on verbal super-charge, pointing and naming practically everything he can. Yesterday he pointed to the curtains: diamond! the day before to a page in a book: oval, circle, stars, rectangle. This morning he sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. OMG, how adorable is that? That was my favorite! It was the sweetest sound to wake up to.

He is still recovering from mononucleosis aka mono- so when we went to Target to pick up Phuc's son's birthday (2nd) present, Lincoln also got get-well-soon presents. Blocks, a Toy Story Lego set, and an Iron Man figurine. He was thrilled about the blocks, held onto it the whole ride home. When we got home, he poured them out, threw them in the air like he just won a million dollars, and shouted "Football!" as he shot them across the the living room. Daddy's nightmare come true. So Quoc modelled how to stack a column to make a "kiem" (sword) and Lincoln picked it up (pun intended)! Lemme see if I can attach the video from my iPhone4.

He's napping now and as I'm reading "Laying the Foundation" for 10th grade pre-AP English, the last line in this section strikes me as an idea worthy of teaching Lincoln: to lay a foundation to stretch his mind, to teach him how to become an informed, perceptive citizen who makes thoughtful judgements and good decisions (LTF, 29). I like that. It's well-put, affirms our parenting values, and brings to the forefront of my mind the purpose of parenting; to bring up a:
  • God-loving,
  • respectful,
  • thoughtful,
  • kind,
  • hard-working and
  • productive citizen. who is loyal to his parents.

I've got to get better at blogging.

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