Sunday, August 25, 2013

Last Week of Summer 2013

Carter's first time back in the church nursery.
Lincoln:  was carter good today?
Teacher:  no, he made a gun from the blocks, shot pp, and told the teacher to "die, die,"
C got in trouble 

Wendy & Ashlyn @ Children's Museum 

Downtown Aquarium w the Dinh's

HEB story time, finale session.  Carter was thrilled to see H E Buddy.  He squealed, ran up to him and then backed into him for a photo.  Then kept waving to him during the story. 

Meet the teacher 
Elizabeth Norkus aka Ms. Lizzie
Lincoln was shy, barely audible.
Ms. Lizzie:  You're gonna be my line leader.  You'd be great!  Have you ever been a line leader?
L:  No

Caters birthday @ Ervin Chew Splashpad 
(Mommy, Lincoln, Carter
Vantha, Kaitlyn, Calvin
Tram, Zoey, Noah
Julie, Max, Josephine
Maria, Sophia)
Lunch:  Shapes sandwiches, carrots, chips & Caprisun 
Blue cupcakes w 2 goldfish 

Nemo at the house
Carter's nap
Then he insisted watching a movie upstairs.  W Lincoln's encouragement, he picked Lion King.  Daddy came home and he opened his present from us- a kitchen!  He played enthusiastically.
(Calvin & Kaitlyn sleepover)
Star pizza dinner
Ice cream sundaes
Smurfs Movie

Lang & Vantha brought Shipley's
Museum of Natural Science w Vantha, Kaitlyn, & Calvin
L spent the night at Calvin's 

I stayed up until 5:30am preparing things like this:

11am- Daniel Tiger @ Children's Museum
Mommy daddy carter &
Cory, lien, Gio, Celine 
2:30- nap
Then THE party!

Carter was surprised to see the house decorated, and was thrilled about the Nemo table cover 
Daddy came home w groceries.  I showed Carter his cake.  He pointed to his picture and himself and said "Carter."  The picture cake was a big hit.

Me:  How old are you Carter?  *camera click*

I put on Nemo for him to chill as we waited for guests to start arriving.
4:30- Trans started coming for Carter's 2nd birthday party
5:15- Splash pad 
7:30- Prime rib for dinner

Cake time!
Play w gifts.

Prime rib for breakfast 
11 o'clock Mass; Carter into the nursery, with Daddy reminding him to behave.  Vivian was back.  He did well.
Prime rib for lunch 

Theatre District Open House
We created a flip book!  Then the boys got face painting done.  A wolf and a tiger.  
4pm- We got to see the Houston symphony.  This year marks its centennial birthday celebration.  Both boys fell asleep during the performance.
We bought season tickets at half price.  Very grateful to live in the city!

Sambuca- tic tac
Carter w my help cut his own shrimp and ate a lot!

Shower, books, prayer, bed

Have a good last night of summer, first night before school rest Lincoln!!!

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