Best friends Pretty in pink. Thank you for the generous giving of yourself and your business in the name of helping out a friend and her family. You have a heart of gold the the work of a horse!
Cô Cúc brought her camera and insisted on taking pictures right before the ceremony. I'm so thankful she got the chance to quickly snap these. Priceless!
Mother-daughter photo. I love you mom!
A Christ-centered marriage.
Like our wedding day, we did the 1st & 2nd readings.
The bride & her maids
Chi Hien read the petition prayer The new Mr. & Mrs. Tran!!
7 1/2 years married. Hm, that's also my shoe size.
Carter is so excited to cheers! Lincoln is busy playing with his cousins.
And now so am I. The tango!
More cousins We sat w chi Trang & chi Thuy
My girls!!!!!!!! Anne took Paige to the ladies room.
Dad was happy w Lang & me as MC. Aw, thank you for your support Daddy!
Lincoln & Audrey enjoying the night
Everyone looked so beautiful and handsome! Congratulations to the happy couple!